“My View From The Blackened Rocks,” is finally finished!  I decided to self-published so I could have total rights to my story.  Over 30 years of gathering information and recording incidents brought me to the point where I could write.  Then came the re-writes, the editing, even more editing and finally, it’s published. 

  I couldn’t have done it without the support from my husband Merv McLaughlin.  We both wanted this book to be celebrated with a great book launch – so that’s exactly what we did.

 When looking for a venue, my heart was set on the Steelworkers Hall. I am a loyal Union person and thought it would be fitting to have it there. Over the years, as it tells in the book there was a love/hate relationship with local 6500 Steelworkers and me.  The new executive and the membership agreed they would donate the hall and I couldn’t have been happier. In my view, the circle of union life was complete.

Since we had budgeted for renting a venue, with the savings we purchased more food for the people attending the party.  A screen was set up with surround, we had a slide show running with pictures from my book and other historical photos.  My original hard hat, work gloves, my lunch pail, face shield, safety glasses and large amount of protests pins were proudly displayed on a table. It looked marvellous. 

People mingled, talked and laughed while others thumbed through the book they had just purchased and I autographed book after book. Almost 200 books were sold! I gave a speech and read a few excerpts from the book.  It was one of the best days of my life. 

The Sudbury media was fanatic covering all the information before and during the book launch. CBC, CTV, Northern Life, Sudbury Star. There will be an article in the winter issue of the Sudbury Living magazine.   Thank you everyone for your support.

– Cat